Who I Am and Why I Am a Mayoral Candidate?
- Product of my two hometown communities – Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Oakland, California
- Played a wide range of roles locally and nationally over the years that have taught me valuable leadership lessons:
- Consensus Builder who promotes “Group Centered Leadership”
- COVID Pandemic responder as facilitator of the African American Response Circle
- Racial Equity facilitator and training consultant nationally
- Oakland Unified School district board member
- Non-Profit board leader at Rockwood Leadership Institute, National Equity Project and Thousand Currents
- Brotherhood of Elders Network Chief Network Officer
- Executives Alliance for Boys and Men of Color executive director
- California Funders for Boys and Men of Color facilitator/strategist
- Equal Voice for Americas’ Families campaign strategist and facilitator
- Policy Advocate for children and youth
- Youth Development Policy and Program
- Oakland Fund for Children & Youth – Oakland Child Health and Safety Initiative Executive Director (now Oakland Thrives/Safe Passages)
- Black Community Crusade for Children regional director
- Oakland Freedom Schools founding director
- Community Educator
- Ile Omode School Founding parent and board member
- West Oakland Community School founding board member
- Oakland Workforce Investment Board member and chair
- Healing Practitioner – Moral/faith Leader
- Wo’se Community Minister and board member
- Healing Generations Institute practitioner
- Cultural Artist
- Bantaba Dance Ensemble founding member and musician
- Storyteller and drummer
- Community Attorney
- Member of the State Bar since 1986
- Personal injury practice
- Family lawyer