Together, we can rise to the challenges of creating a more inclusive, equitable, and thriving community.

Are you ready for transformational leadership?

The Hodge Campaign supports The Garvey Plan – a group of 90 Black-led/Black focused organizations and community leaders founded in April 2019 to respond to the pandemic and advance health, wealth and power in our community. African American Response Circle, working with Resilient Fruitvale, Oakland AAPI Unite and Healthy Havenscourt, advocated for $200m investment in our communities. We will continue to fight for what our communities need to recover and prosper!


% of County’s Homeless

Population that is Black, more

than 4x Black Population


Black County Residents’ Rates of

Infection at least 2.5x all other

groups since April


Black Death Rate 72% higher

than County average + highest



36% Increase in Gun Violence in

2020; Black males most likely to


Our plan will boost community health infrastructure, flip the collateral impacts of the pandemic, including rampant gun violence and lays foundation for a future that eradicates the inequities that is causing Covid to wreak havoc on our community. The plan addresses Housing is a Human Right, the importance of Economic Self Sufficiency, and makes space for Spiritual and Physical Health in our community.


According to the 2019 homeless count, the County’s homeless population was 47% Black, more than 4 times the Black County population overall. Current rental support programs are difficult to access and have strict income and other eligibility requirements, resulting in low pick-up rates for Black residents. Our program will be easily accessible and will focus on the Black community.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate $1,000 month for 500 individuals or families for 12 months

Budget: $6 million


Home ownership continues to offer the greatest opportunity for generational wealth transfer. Redlining, gentrification, and loan foreclosures have all taken a drastic toll on Black home ownership rates in the County.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate up to $50,000 for 250 individuals or families.

Budget: $12.5 million


Black homeownership has plummeted over the last decade, in part due to foreclosure and inability to retain homes generationally. Funds will be used for retention support including legal services, lien clearing, and home improvement.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate up to $25,000 for 250 Black homeowners.

Budget: $6 million


Existing parcels throughout the county are development ready. These parcels will be developed by Black development teams. Priority will be placed on affordable home ownership development.

Budget: $8 million


The time for land and property banking is now. Funding used to support expansion of BCZ hubs in East, West, and North Oakland. Land trust ownership beneficiaries to include BLOs and community members.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate 3 BCZ hubs at $3.3 million each to include commercial and residential property investments, support for Black businesses, and BLO and community ownership.

Budget: $10 million


A recently published study of the impact of the pandemic on disadvantaged businesses throughout the county highlight the toll that the pandemic has taken on our commercial life, citing numerous examples of how White-owned businesses have consistently fared better during the crisis than their non-White owned counterparts. Struggling businesses need grants not loans if we expect them to re-open and/or survive.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate up to $250,000 each for 40 Black-owned businesses.

Budget: $10 million


Black businesses need support and technical assistance to re-emerge and thrive in the COVID Recovery period.

Budget: $1.5 million


Expand on the 500 family pilot to include 1750 additional families. UBI’s benefits include not just immediate financial supports for struggling families but also violent crime reduction, with studies in jurisdictions nationally and internationally showing a direct linkage between UBI and reductions in violent crime.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate $750 monthly benefit x 12 months of funding
1750 x $750 x 12 = $15.75 million

Budget: $15.75 million


Culturally responsive mental health services for both crisis stabilization and respite services, targeting the direct impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic including increasing rates of depression and anxiety and escalating violence. Although limited County-funded mental health services are available, low reimbursement rates impact access and culturally responsive providers are not widely available.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate for 1000 Black residents to receive 1 hour of culturally responsive counseling per week for 12 months.
$180 hourly rate x 1000 hours per week for 12 months
180 * 1000 * 52 = $9.36 million

Budget: $9.36 million


Investment in community clinics and providers to support the holistic delivery of health services including services targeting diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, which are the most prevalent in the Black community and rates of which have escalated as a result of the pandemic. In addition, community clinics and providers will deliver the COVID-19 testing, contract tracing, vaccination, and case management services that will be critical to our continued efforts to blunt the effect of COVID-19 on the Black community.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate $4 million for up to 2 community clinics and $2 million for up to 2 community providers.

Budget: $6 million


While many system-connected individuals receive some form of case management those who are not formally system involved do not; dedicated life coaches charged with identifying family needs and connecting to resources are critically needed.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate 60 life coaches at $60,000 annually with a 25% benefits factor for 1 year.
$60,000 x 1.25 x 60 = $4.5 million

Budget: $4.5 million


Additional community Impact Hubs need to be established throughout the County where vulnerable and high-risk individuals and families can easily access needed services through a “one-stop” approach. Hubs will be created through expansion of existing CBO’s in targeted neighborhoods and will connect the community to services including training and employment, reentry supports, violence prevention, housing navigation, and rental supports.

With The Garvey Plan:
We would allocate 5 hubs at $1,000,000 each located in distressed, high need, stressor beats.

Budget: $5 million


The County commissioned the development of a proposal for an African American Holistic Wellness Complex in 2015; the project has never been funded. This Complex is designed to serve as an anchor for Black life in Oakland with a focus on spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

Budget: $5 million

Here is an example of the advocacy that we did in 2021